Register for Howe Periodic Maintenance Reminders

As with any piece of equipment, proper periodic maintenance will ensure longevity of your ice flaker. Howe equipment is designed to outlast  

Want to receive email reminders when periodic maintenance is due?  Complete the form below then click the submit button We'll do the rest.  If we need more information we will contact you (via email) to get any missing details.

If known, enter approximate start up date
Enter date of last service or today if unknown. (Reminders will be sent on next due date based on Interval selected)
For areas with poor water quality, you can opt for 3 month instead of 6 month reminders
Check if you want quotes for recommended parts sent
By checking the box, you are agreeing to register for and accept email reminders.

Contact Info

773-235-0269 (sales fax)
773-235-1530 (corporate fax) (general) (Mexico)
(Central America) (parts)

All shipping & Receiving must check in the rear of the building:
1641 N. Besly Ct.

Howe Offices

1650 N. Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60642